About Us
In the fall of 2002, Daniel Valles started the website ministry of Informed Christians (informedchristians.com). With a degree in Advertising & Public Relations, and with over 20 years in Bible writing and teaching, he seeks to use the talents that God has lent him to further minister to Christians, and encourage them in their walk with God.
Daniel was almost four years old when he heard the message that he was a sinner (Romans 3:23), the wages of sin is death (Romans 6:23), and that God loved him enough to die in his place (Romans 5:8). So, in that basement Sunday School room, many years ago, Daniel asked Jesus Christ to save him from his sins and to be his Saviour.
At a young age, Daniel spent many hours in God’s Word, studying and writing out devotionals – what he gathered out of his time with God. In his early teen years, he started a Christian devotional newsletter, to about thirty different churches, sharing daily devotionals, thoughts, and Bible quizzes. He continued this for about four years before he entered college.
In his college years, Daniel was not satisfied with just doing the routine of going to church service – there is so much more fellowship that we can have during the week! With the help of his friends, he started a Sunday night Bible study, that eventually formed smaller groups, as it got larger. This time of teaching, prayer, fellowship was crucial for building and sustaining a sustained hunger for the things of righteousness, not content with a mere form of godliness. Encouraging others to pursue and draw nigh to Christ, helps each other grow stronger.
He has been involved in ministry teaching in various forms and methods for over twenty years, teaching Sunday Schools, organizing and teaching Bible studies, developing homeschool curriculum, working with Christian publishing, researching and curating for creation museums and ministries, as well as being involved in medical missions improvisation resource development.
May God richly bless you and give you the discernment that you need.
Daniel Valles
Psalm 94:17